Why Your Brand Needs Multiple Logos


Why Your Brand Needs Multiple Logos

Why your brand needs multiple logos

Do I need more than one logo? A lot of brands and small businesses think they just need a single logo design. That’s actually not from the case! You should have at least one alternate logo design to pair with your main primary logo.

Now more than ever before we are posting, blogging, and creating content to get our brand name out there in the world. And now we have so many platforms to work with. Within social media alone there’s Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest (more of search engine, but still considered under the social media umbrella), Twitter, Tik Tok, and Snap Chat. Did I miss any? Then there’s your own marketing tools like your website, email signature, watermarks, and business cards, just to name a few.

So what are alternate logos? Alternate logos are similar to your primary logo, but have small changes. Chances are your main logo won't fit on every medium you need it for. For example, if your logo is a longer horizontal design, then that doesn’t really look great as a profile photo on Instagram. Since that profile photo size is round, it’ll shrink your horizontal logo down smaller to fit the width of the area so it’s harder for the viewer to see. So having another logo that is more stacked is perfect for uploading to that Instagram profile photo.

As mentioned, these logos are similar to your primary logo and should always be consistent to stay on brand. The small changes could be color (but staying within your branding color palette), layout, or content. Let’s take a look…

Primary Logo

PCD Logo 2021-01.jpg

This is our primary logo, or main logo. This logo is what is on our website. We also use it for our Mail Chimp newsletters we email to subscribers to our email club.

Secondary Logos

Logo 2021_PCD Secondary-02.jpg
Logo 2021_PCD Secondary-03.jpg

See how these secondary logos more stacked than our horizontal primary logo? We use these for our social media profiles and occasionally print marketing. These secondary logos can also be used for your website or email signature.


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Logo 2021_PCD_Submark-02.jpg

Submarks are great to add to platforms where there is already brand recognition because they don’t spell out your full brand name. Your brand name should be somewhere else on that platform. For example, watermarks, social media profiles, favicon (the little icon you see by your website URL in your internet browser), and email signatures.


It’s very important to choose the right logo designer. Your brand designer should be knowledgeable, skilled, communicative, and have professional software. I know that may seem obvious, but I’ve had many clients come to us for a rebrand with their original logo not vector and their original designer didn’t have the knowledge or capability to create it vector. Yikes! Big red flag. Be weary of those cheap custom logos. Just remember, you get what you pay for unfortunately.

Some of our clients ask, what is vector? Good question! Simply put, vector is when your image can be blown up or shrunk down and the quality will not change. Vector files, such as pdfs, are needed for high quality printing, so having your logo design be vector is a necessity. What if your logo isn’t vector but you don’t want to pay for a new logo? No worries! When you find yourself in this situation, there are resources out there for you. Just ask any graphic designer or email us. There are more affordable resources out there, too such as Sticker Mule. They can actually vectorize an image​ quickly with Redraw for only $29!

All your logos should be presented to you in your brand style guide. More on style guides coming soon! I hope this was helpful for you and if you have any questions, please let us know!

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